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Assessing Capstone Experience

Please cite as follows: Chan, CKY (2015). "Assessing Capstone Experience", Engineering Education Enhancement and Research Asia (E3R Asia).

Peer/Self Review

What is Peer/Self Review?

Peer Review is an evaluation process conducted among peer members of the team, whereas self review is an evaluation process conducted on yourself. The evaluation is normally conducted using an evaluation form that contains questions and statements related to your own performance and/or the performance of an individual within the team. 


The Senior Electrical Engineering Design Project at the University of New Orleans includes a team evaluation form (or peer evaluation form), where students have to evaluate the performances of their team members and themselves on a 4-point scale (University of New Orleans, n.d.). The evaluation form contains questions and statements regarding their performance. Students are rated according to the following aspects:

  • Attendance on scheduled class day
  • Their contribution to the:
    • weekly progress report
    • project as a whole
    • final presentation
    • final meeting
  • Completion of assigned tasks in a timely manner
  • Individual’s ability to design electrical engineering tasks
  • Specific group contributions
